May 6, 2009

Chil-Pak®: An Excellent, Flexible, Reliable, and Modular Data Center Cooling Solution

The fully integrated packaged central plant by Chil-Pak® is an excellent solution for data center cooling.  Chil-Pak® is a manufacturer of integrated packaged plants that provides complete chilled water solutions at the lowest possible cost to building owners in just a few months. The Chil-Pak® Central Plant SolutionTM reduces engineering design time, reduces the cost of field […]
May 5, 2009

Make Sure the Media in Your Evaporative Cooling Equipment Is Ready For the Cooling Season

Now is the time to make sure the evaporative cooling equipment on your facility is ready for hot weather by replacing the evaporative media. offers a wide range of pre-packaged replacement media kits to fit the most popular evaporative cooling equipment on the market.  In addition to the pre-packaged kits also offers high quality custom […]
April 28, 2009

As Temperatures Rise Remember to Replace the Media in Evaporative Coolers

As temperatures continue to rise, now is the time to replace the media in your evaporative provides replacement media for industrial, commercial, and residential evaporative coolers. They provide their clients with very competitive pricing, fast shipping, and excellent customer service. Visit and follow the simple four step process to receive a quote for your evaporative […]
April 27, 2009

Reading the Psychrometric Chart: Part Three

This is part three of three in a series on making sense of the psychrometric chart.  Dr. John Watt gave a very helpful explanation for how to read the chart below is step 5-8.  (To read the previous posts click here and here) 5.  “A process in which air of two different states is mixed is shown […]
April 24, 2009

Reading the Psychrometric Chart: Part Two

Below is the brief and helpful summary that Dr.  John Watt provided  for using the psychrometric chart. “Typical thermodynamic processes trace paths on the chart from their initial states points as follows: A simple heating process moves horizontally to the right; a simple cooling process horizontally to the left.  The dew point temperature and specific humidity remain […]
April 22, 2009

Reading the Psychrometric Chart: Part One

Dr. John Watt gave the following helpful explanation for reading and understanding the  psychrometric chart. “To simplify calculations, psychometric properties of nondry air are plotted on standard psycrometic charts…Given values for any two psychrometric properties, all others can be found without computation.  The chart is arranged as follows: Lines of constant dry-bulb temperature are vertical. Lines of […]
April 21, 2009

What is the Difference Between Dry Bulb and Wet Bulb Temperature?

One of the most important factors in determining the effectiveness of evaporative cooling is the delta–the wet bulb depression- between the dry bulb and the wet bulb temperature. The dry bulb temperature is the ambient air temperature that is measured by regular thermometers, while the wet bulb temperature is measured by thermometers that are wrapped in wetted […]