Data Center Cooling: Looking Forward with a Backward Glance

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One of the more exciting developments in the last several years in the data center market has been the conscious effort to reduce energy usage, lower operational expenses, and do so through new technology developments.  One of the methods of cooling data centers, especially for hyper scale clients, has been through applying evaporative cooling.  A couple years ago you would attend a data center industry event and hear talks about the cutting-edge cooling technology, evaporative cooling.  As most savvy data center owners, general contractors, and engineers know, evaporative cooling is not a new form of cooling.  In fact, most educated speakers are very aware of that as well.  The newness was not in the technology, but in the application of evaporative cooling to a new application, namely data centers.  The point of the speakers-at the mission critical conferences- addressing evaporative cooling as something cutting-edge and new hopefully had more to do with getting peoples’ attention rather than providing a historical report on cooling systems. That being said, the application of evaporative cooling on data centers has proven to be a challenge and should only be done in conjunction with an industry expert. There are some common mistakes that need to be avoided when designing, manufacturing, and applying the technology on data centers.

United Metal Products can help you avoid these common and disastrous errors.  UMP has been designing, manufacturing, and deploying evaporative cooling equipment for 35 years and currently has under roof around 400 million square feet of facilities cooled by their equipment.   The UMP Data Center Cooling Group has been working to help some of the largest companies in the world to avoid the common mistakes in applying evaporative solutions as well as to save millions of d0llars in OPEX costs each year by applying evaporative cooling on their data centers.

To learn more about how your team can take leverage United Metal Products on your data center projects contact