Indirect Return Air unit
Power usage is one of the main challenges for data center users. By some estimates 2% of all power in the United States is being consumed by data centers and a significant amount of the electricity goes toward cooling the data center facility. UMP has developed, manufactured, and deployed the industry standard for unitary indirect systems, DC-IRAe™. The key to this breakthrough is evaporative cooling. The DC-IRAe™’s unique configuration captures this simple, yet powerful, principle and uses significantly less water than traditional IDEC units. United Metal Products has provided this super efficient cooling solution for large technology data centers, colocation companies, and other enterprise mission critical facilities.
The DC-IRAe™ has been specifically designed for the higher cold aisle temperatures being applied in today’s Data Centers. Applying this technology can provide the power, installation and maintenance cost savings to the owner while lowering dramatically the PUE.